Most students should be able to complete a Basic CTE Course without much trouble. Middle School students should not take a course from this list if they are in their first trimester of 7th grade and if they have a GPA below 3.7. Middle school students interested in Advanced Opportunities and who want to get a high school requirement out of the way would be suitable for these online courses.
Students should take at least one Basic CTE Course prior to taking an Introductory Coding Course. The coding courses outside of Web Design also require some basic algebra. Students should take at least one Introductory Coding Course before taking an Intermediate Coding Course or the Capstone Course. The Capstone course has a prerequisite of College Algebra. The counseling and registration team can override this for the right student who has a strong academic history or math background with the understanding they may need some additional help with the math-related aspects of the course.